The Books

The Crooked Forest: Beyond

The Crooked Forest: Beyond
Enter another realm where strange things that are considered to happen only in dreams, now occur during waking hours and in broad daylight. Walk through an invisible doorway, where the familiar rules of time and space no longer apply. Travel to the betwixt and between places, where there are no defined paths, just an ancient trek way system to navigate, that will carry you into a world beyond.

When her mother becomes desperately ill, Willow learns that it is a frightening thing to love what sickness touches. With the aid of her trusted companion, Sir Gyzmo, an enchanted fairy dog, the quest for a healing remedy begins, taking you on an unforgettable journey through the shadow lands of The Crooked Forest.

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The Crooked Forest: Beyond
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The Crooked Forest: Beyond


Heart Songs

Offering profound insight through words, Heart Songs delivers one powerful message after another through chapters devoted to songs of the heart, nature, faith, and the love of a dog.

Beautifully illustrated by the author, the ethereal and whimsical images included in the collection, bring the poems to life.

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Heart Songs
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Heart Songs

Holly Berry and Mistletoe

It was the time of the December cold moon. Winter was just beginning, and the blustery, bitter cold winds were blowing more frequently now. Shiver season found all beings settling in and burrowing in for the chill nights that lay ahead.

From bestselling author Joni Franks comes an endearing holiday story. This eighth book in the Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush series follows Sagebrush, the tailless puppy, and the Young Miss as they navigate life’s difficult challenges by believing in themselves and keeping hope in their hearts.

Filled with heart-warming blessings, this volume shares the ancient folktale of how fairies chose corgis as their companion travelers and how corgis became known as the enchanted dogs of the fairy folk.


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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush – Holly Berry and Mistletoe
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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush – Holly Berry and Mistletoe




“Real dogs don’t need tails.”  That’s what Maverick and Ginger told their precious baby Sagebrush when she was born without a tail.  Sagebrush overcomes labeling and bullying by her peers with the help of a young woman who hasn’t let being a girl stop her from achieving her dreams.


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Corky Tails – Joni Franks
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Corky Tails – Joni Franks




There was a deep, low grumbling, groaning noise coming from deep within the forest where no grumbling, groaning noise should be heard.  Sagebrush journeys into the deepest recesses of the forest, discovering the tiny unknown creatures called Shuns, who are now homeless due to the giant tree-cutting machines that the humans have sent to clear the forest of the trees that the Shuns once made their homes in.


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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush, Sagebrush Meets the Shuns
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Corky Tails Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush, Sagebrush Meets the Shuns




“Fire!” the big antlered buck screamed as he ran across the lawn where the little mountain cabin sat.  “Run for your lives the woods are on fire!” he screamed.  The Young Miss had heard that animals in the forest have an alert system to communicate with when danger looms.  The Young Miss look wide-eyed at Sagebrush.  “Go wake up your parents, Sagebrush.  Hurry, we have to act fast!”



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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Smoke Jumper
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Corky Tails Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Smoke Jumper




Fat black thunder clouds billowed high in the Rocky Mountain sky, foreshadowing that a stormy weather day was already brewing on the cattle ranch where Sagebrush, the tailless puppy, and her parents, Maverick and Ginger, slept in their warm cozy doggy beds. Follow Sagebrush and the Young Miss in this search and rescue adventure as they endeavor to save a lost hiker and the tiny people known as Shuns from the rising waters of Butterfly Creek. This charming tale teaches the life lesson of having faith in yourself and faith in others and is paired with the message that all lives matter equally. The fourth book in the multiple award-winning collection, Sagebrush and the Butterfly Creek Flood is a delightful tale, not to be forgotten.


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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Butterfly Creek Flood
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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Butterfly Creek Flood




Sagebrush felt as if the world had gone to sleep and she was the only one awake as she peered out the window of the little mountain cabin, she called home.  The sound of the wet falling snow was as quiet as feathers landing on the ground, as the magical landscape of the Rocky Mountains and the cattle ranch became enveloped in a blanket of white snow.  Follow Sagebrush and the Young Miss as they discover the secret warm springs hidden deep within the mountains and teach the moral lesson of sharing Mother Earths precious resources with a homeless man and the tiny people known as the Shuns who are seeking a forever home.


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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Warm Springs Discovery
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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Warm Springs Discovery


Sagebrush sintió que el mundo se había ido a dormir y que ella era la única que estaba despierta mientras miraba por la ventana de la pequeña cabaña de montaña que llamaba casa. El sonido de la húmeda nieve que caía era tan silencioso como las plumas que caían en el suelo, como el paisaje mágico de las Montañas Rocosas y el rancho de ganado quedaron envueltos en un manto de nieve blanca. Sigue a Sagebrush y a la Joven Señorita mientras descubren los manantiales secretos que se esconden en lo profundo de las montañas y enseñan la lección moral de compartir los preciosos recursos de la Madre Tierra con un hombre sin hogar y las personas diminutas conocidas como los Shun, que buscan un hogar para siempre. El quinto libro en una colección premiada, Sagebrush y Warm Springs.

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Rabos Taponados: La historia de una perra sin cola llamada Sagebrush
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abos Taponados: La historia de una perra sin cola llamada Sagebrush


Follow the adventures of Sagebrush, the tailless puppy, in her Rocky Mountain journey as she learns how light pollution disrupts the natural behavior cycles of wildlife and obscures the viewing of the constellations and the starry night skies. Distressed and saddened by this predicament, Sagebrush vows to improve this situation in her little corner of the world by protecting and safeguarding the dark skies from light glare and becoming a glowing example of how just one can make a difference in the world.

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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Disappearing Dark Sky
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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush: Sagebrush and the Disappearing Dark Sky

Hidden amidst the clouds lies the mystifying region known as the Never Summer Mountains. Here, lush natural meadows provide a setting that is bursting with skunk cabbage and chokecherry bushes, and high-altitude water bogs that some say are inhabited by fairies. As the Thunder Moon of July rose high in the starless sky, even the wind held its breath in anticipation of the squall that was already brewing, just before the first bolt of white-hot lightning exploded through the alpine tundra.

Follow the adventures of Sagebrush, the tailless puppy, in her high-country adventure as she journeys through the Never Summer Mountains with her companions to clear a colossal landslide that has jammed Froze Creek with rubble and blocked the local water source.

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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrus
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Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrus

Willow struggles to access her true inner strength when an unforeseen tragedy tests her bravery. Left alone and feeling heartbroken after being separated from her mother, Willow navigates the life path she has been handed, overcoming obstacles, and realizing her true potential and her destiny to become a heroine.


With the help of her trusted companion, Sir Gyzmo, an enchanted fairy dog, the pair overcomes desperate odds, while weaving a special bond based on trust, companionship, and love.

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The Crooked Forest
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The Crooked Forest

In this mesmerizing fairy tale, you will be transported in time, as you journey to the rare and remote Crooked Forest. An old growth forest, immeasurable in size and home to the oldest life forms on earth, supernatural characters, and extraordinary occurrences.

Willow searches to find her mother under the cloud crazed skies of the Crooked Forest with her faithful companion and canine hero, Sir Gyzmo, an enchanted fairy dog, always by her side.

Admired for their courage, noble qualities and great inner strength, Willow, and Sir Gyzmo become legend as the folktales of their adventures together grow, and others are inspired to live their lives in the same manner.

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The Crooked Forest: Cloud Crazed
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The Crooked Forest: Cloud Crazed


Engage your child’s imagination with the “Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless Dog Named Sagebrush”
coloring book. Follow the adventures of Sagebrush, the tailless puppy, on her high-country Rocky
Mountain adventures by matching the coloring sketch with the “Corky Tails” storybook it is from. The
“Corky Tails” book series is changing the world one heart at a time. For more information about the
author visit


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Corky Tails – Joni Franks
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Corky Tails – Joni Franks